Wet Sand



Wet Sand

a Tom Hiddleston drabble

by avenger-nerd-mom

Word Count 676

Warnings: Language, Fluff, Nudity

Tom and his new secret love enjoy an evening walk on the beach…

April 2017

Walking along the shore, Tom and his lovely fair-haired companion gaze out over the horizon, watching the birds dip and swoop for their evening meal.  Tom carries his shoes and wonders if she left hers on the terrace after dinner. Her long flowing dress trails in the water and the blue and purple swirls of fabric at her tiny feet remind him of a mermaid.  “Isn’t that the dress you bought in Milan a few weeks ago? It’s quite lovely,” he compliments.

She side-eyes him, bumping her elbow into his arm.  “Are you afraid I’m ruining it in the water?”

He chuckles quietly.  “Well… far be it from me to tell you what to do; it’s your vacation home- but yes, won’t the water cause damage?  It was rather expensive, as I recall.”

Stepping ahead, she turns on her heels to face him.  Gathering the fabric up to her hips, she kicks and splashes him playfully.   With his long legs, he kicks back and water and sand spot across the front of her dress.  “So sorry! I was only-” Tom begins his famous apologies before she cuts him off.

“Ruined now.  It’s ruined.” Reaching up, she feels the globs of sand on top of her head.  “And sand in my hair?” She tsk-tsks, looking down at her chest, the wet sand clinging to the tanned globes peeking out from the deep v-neck cut of the summer gown.  “Well, that’s that, I guess.” Her eyes locked on his, she pulls the dress over her head, revealing herself to be totally nude under the flimsy gauzy fabric. She tosses the dress to him and backs slowly into the water.  “You’ve made me dirty, Tom.  That wasn’t very nice.”

Dropping his eyes, he looks away, embarrassed not by her natural display but by the instant need it creates in him.  Hearing a splash as she twists and dives away, he turns with a smile to watch her swim from the shore.

“Aren’t you worried the ships on the horizon have paparazzi with telephoto lens?” He asks, thinking back to another time he once played on the beach with a woman and how it did not end well.

“It wouldn’t be the first time my breasts have graced the tabloids, dear,” she mocks before diving under again, her sweet little ass rising above the water’s surface before disappearing.  Springing up, she pushes the wet hair back from her face. “Are you too afraid to have your cock on display? It’s very beautiful… You should strip down and join me. The water’s perfect.”

“And have the press finally catch us together, as a couple?”  He asks, wondering if this might truly be her plan.

She giggles, swirling in dizzying circles, creating her own current around her.  It reminds him of their life together, always spinning in circles, waiting for one wave to crash into the other.

“I’m your fashion designer, Tom.  They already caught me with my hands down your pants a few weeks ago. Purely of a business nature, of course.”   She winks. “What’s the point of keeping it secret any longer?”

“Darling, I’m more than happy to step out in the press with you, if that’s what you want; if you think we’re ready, but…” he shields his eyes from the setting sun, again eyeing the ships with wary. “Dropping my trousers in daylight to skinny dip with you isn’t what I had in mind.”

“Oh, really.  Then tell me, Mr. Hiddleston.  What do you have in mind?” She asks, her voice throaty and full of lust and desire.

Clutching the designer dress tighter in his hands, he begins to slowly back away.  “I think I’d rather steal your clothes and watch you run along the path, naked, back up to the cottage.”

“TOM!  You wouldn’t!” Thrashing through the water, she tries to reach him, but she’s too late, as she watches him sprint down the shore to the path leading to her secluded beach home.  “That British fucker,” she complains, taking off after him, water dripping down her shapely body.

Copyright © 2018  avenger-nerd-mom. All rights reserved. Intellectual property of avenger-nerd-mom

Hero In-Laws

hero inlaws.jpg

Hero In-Laws

An Emery&Chris story

By avenger-nerd-mom

Scott Evans makes a visit to see Chris and Emery in NYC in early March 2018, for Lobby Hero

Warnings: none

Word Count: 1287

Click here to follow the tale of Emery and Chris!

Scott throws himself around the little powerhouse when the apartment door flies open. “Oh, Sis! I’ve missed you so much,” he declares, picking Emery up and spinning her around. He sets her back down and she wobbles from dizziness. “Shit, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry.” He eyes her belly warily.

“Oh, stop!” She hits his arm. “We’re still trying. Lots of fun trying, actually,” Emery laughs, closing the apartment door. “He told you, right? All the tests came back normal, for both of us. So relax.”

Scott gently kisses her check. “You look beautiful. Winter cold suits you,” he says, setting his bag down by the entry table before following her into the larger open space. “Holy shit, look at that view.”

Her gaze follows his. She’ll never get tired of looking at the skyline, despite the cold gray look of the city this time of year. “I hate the cold… But New York is an interesting place; I kinda like it.” The Southern belle smiles, sitting on the cream colored couch facing the large wall of windows. “I feel like it’s so foreign though, like everyone moves and talks so fast. And they ask me to repeat myself. I think people think I’m slow,” she giggles. “My Southern drawl; it’s like they expect me to pull out a redneck joke or something.”

Scott chuckles and sits down on the couch near her. “You liking work?”

She nods. “I’ve been training with some of the magnet schools.  They’re using some of their funding for a STEM project to replicate some of the ‘discoveries’ of Wakanda.” She chuckles. “Chadwick’s been too busy right now to get back to me, but I’m hoping before we leave the city, he could come by and meet some of the kids and teachers.”

“Gawd, did you see it? Amazing, right?” He continues to stare out the front window.

“Of course! Opening day. Wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Incredible… And now they’ve moved up the IW date?”

“Still a fangirl, huh?” Scott chuckles. He leans forward to take off his shoes. “You’re not sick of it by now?”

Emery rolls her head to the side, surveying the room in front of her. The rented furniture is exquisite and luxurious. Not something she ever thought she’d have chosen, but it works for the space and feels right. Although they’ve spent a lot of time ‘hiding’ at home during the few weeks in the city, she hasn’t felt lonely or secluded. She and Chris both have many friends in the area, and it seems someone is always stopping by, as is evident from the stack of games laying on the glass coffee table in front of her. She’s looking forward to Anna and Tom visiting soon, to see the play. She loves competitive game night with the charming couple!

“I still feel like Cinderella, sometimes. Like the clock is gonna strike and it will all disappear, or the fairy godmother’s spell will end, and he’ll realize I’m just a silly little teacher from Georgia. But being a fangirl got me here.” She sits up and closes the lid to one of the games before standing. “I don’t geek out over every little thing anymore, but the perks of being Captain America’s wife are nice sometimes.”

She motions for him to follow her to the kitchen. Without even asking, she pulls over the cake pan, lifting the cover off a lovely three-tiered cake. Scott mimics cutting a big slice and walks to the fridge, reaching inside for the carton of milk. They make small talk, Scott catching up with gossip of her family and he fills her in the news of the Evans clan. She opens a cabinet and grabs two plates down from the shelf.

“One of your cake creations?” He asks, sticking his finger in the glob of cake frosting that landed on the counter.

Emery nods, dropping the knife down through the layers of chocolate confections. “Can’t you tell from the size of my hips?”

Scott steps back, admiring the beautiful woman. “Eh, doesn’t turn me on, but, whatever…” He laughs. “Em, you look great.”

She points the knife towards him. “You’re lying, but thanks.”

Scott runs his hands over his scruff. “Bullshit. I can still appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one. You had a miscarriage, you ate some food,” He shakes his head when she whispers, “lots of it,” under her breath. “But you look amazing. Fifteen extra pounds won’t kill you.”

“Bless you for thinking that’s all it is…” She places a much smaller piece on the plate in front of her.  She sighs. “I like being close to the park. I’ve been running in the mornings. I have to block out episodes of Law and Order from my mind when I do it, but still…” She chimes in as Scott hums the theme credits. “I’ve never liked running before. The pace of the city at that time of day is so hyped, I’ve never felt anything like it. It’s like a drug.”

“It’s like you expect to see Carrie or Miranda around every corner; yeah. I get that,” Scott laughs, catching the crumbs from the cake as they fall from his mouth and licking them from his palm.

“Right? By the way, that is so gross… I’m in love with New York. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but it’s true. I really want the play to go well for him, Scott. I’ve been a nervous wreck all week. He’s so amazing. Like there is no Chris in it at all… Until he cracked a grin as the cast took their final bow, he was a different person.”

“It’s called ‘acting,’” Scott laughs. “It’s what you do when you are raised in the ‘theatre.’”
He mimics a pompous voice. “I don’t know how he can keep a straight face with that… that thing on his face.”

“Oh, gawd, it’s awful, isn’t it?! Like a fuzzy caterpillar… I’m still getting used to it.”

Scott reaches for his phone in his back pocket, licking some more chocolate frosting from his thumb. He swipes over the phone screen, bringing it to life and opening one of his social media accounts, turning the photo for her to see. “Total ‘70s porn ‘stache,” Scott grins. “I had a boyfriend once with-”

“Stop. Stop. For the love of God, Scott, stop.” Emery covers her face, wishing her brother-in-law hadn’t put those visuals in her head.

He shrugs, moving to carry his plate to the living room.

“Oh, no. Do you see the color of that furniture? No food in there. That was our deal. Chris and I agreed it was the one time in our lives we can have white furniture.”

“God, you’re bossy. You’ll make a great mom.” He moves to the kitchen table instead.

“Scott, really. I can’t get used to it. I mean, he was ‘Frank Adler’ when we met. So when he had to be Steve, that was weird. Then the long hair and beard this summer…” She takes another bite, shaking her head.  “The other morning, I held my hand over his upper lip when I kissed him. It’s just so ‘skitchy.’” She grins at the family word her nieces use to describe the texture of scruffy beards. “I don’t wike it.”

“You love it,” he teases, eyeing her sideways.

“I love him… the new look? I’ll get used to it,” she sighs.

Scott points to the TV. “It’s very Jack Pearson.” He looks at her with a hope in his eyes. “Ya know, I haven’t watched this week. Wanna catch up?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” Emery grins, high-fiving him and squeezing his hand in hers.

Cover photo images found on Pinterest, using Layout and Phonto for cover creation

Click here for the next Emery&Chris story, Auntie Em

Copyright © 2018  avenger-nerd-mom. All rights reserved. Intellectual property of avenger-nerd-mom